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I may bend, but I will not break.

According to Webster dictionary resiliency is defined to be the physical property of a material that can return to its original shape or position after deformation that does not exceed its elastic limit.

I find myself yet in another quandary of needing inspiration…something that might help express my feeling so I can better understand them.

I often find myself searching the web for quotes or videos that really connect with me especially when I feel like life wants to take unexpected twists and turns.

As luck would have it, I recently came across this TedTalk video featuring Michaela Murphy, and was compelled to share it with you. I couldn’t believe her miraculous story and her resilience when faced with constant heartbreak and life threatening challenges. By the end of her talk you begin to understand why Michaela closes her TedTalk by saying,

“You can’t get rid of fear but it can be a really good supporting player, but not the star of your life. Resilience resides in retrospection, a cousin of regret. What would you be rid of? What would set your spirit free? For me, resilience wasn’t in the fight. It was in the surrender.”

You can’t let adversity define you, but instead learn from it. Stay resilience by moving towards a goal. Use your pain or grief in a positive way to fuel you. It’s important to look at bad times as a “temporary state of affairs…” Remember to strengthen your inner self and your belief in yourself.

I’ve always felt that to be resilient you needed to fight as she quotes. And in some cases you do. But this interesting take on the surrender as being resilient is something I’ve come to relate with. It takes courage to keep going, to fight, to change what you can, but most importantly to let go those things you cannot change.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. - Serenity Prayer

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